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What does it mean to own your own power as a student? 🤔

I know I know, I’m still riding the new year’s new me energy. But whilst we’re on this train we may as well hang it all the way.

But, back to the topic. Owning your own power is all about embracing it. Embracing yourself, your strengths, weakness & life. Then using that to force the outcomes your desire.

We all have the power to shape our own destinies and make our lives into what we want them to be. The key is to own your own power.
 So here are some tips on how to make it happen:
  1. Become aware of your own thoughts  Positive thinking leads to positive results
  2. Take action – Doing nothing leads to nothing
  3. You’re not a God – There are things in life out of your control. Accept it
  4. Embrace –  We are all unique individuals with our own set of strengths and talents. Embrace what you have

Owning your own power is about taking responsibility for our own lives, and making the conscious choice to empower ourselves. Whooo, I should totally start a podcast. I feel like I’m on fire.

That said, have a super duper day and here’s the next instalment of better yourself Friday!!

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